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Cold Therapy

Cooling is clinically proven to reduce pain, itchiness, and inflammation. It also trigger a physiological healing response in the body. Letting you do more, recover and feel better.



Backed by Science

Since the Nobel Prize-winning work of David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian in 2021 “for their discoveries of receptors for temperature and touch.” Further explains the effects and mechanisms of temperature on our body.

COOLING helps Reduce Inflammation and Ease Itchiness 

Cooling Effects on Skin

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Normal Skin

Flared up Skin

Cooling physically cause blood vessels to constrict but also act as a stimulus to distract you from pain and itchiness. 


Scientific articles: 

Cooling Relief of Acute and Chronic Itch Requires TRPM8 Channels and Neurons.Palkar R, Ongun S, Catich E, Li N, Borad N, Sarkisian A, McKemy DD.


Cooling the Itch via TRPM8.Liu B, Jordt SE.


Pain-free Dermatology: Minimizing Discomfort in Procedures for Children and Adults 

Peter A. Lio, MD and Alisa A. McQueen, MD

Cooling Effects on Cells

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There is evidence that cold therapy improves mitochondrial health through a process known as “mitochondrial biogenesis,” or in other words, by producing more of them. Cold therapy can be compelling because it forces you to become comfortable with discomfort. 



Exposure to cold is known to activate the sympathetic nervous system and increase the blood level of beta-endorphin and noradrenaline and to increase synaptic release of noradrenaline in the brain as well. Leading to a happier state of mind.



Cold slows blood flow, reducing swelling and pain. Reduces inflammation by decreasing blood flow. 

Cold Effects on Blood Vessels

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Cold Effects on Pores

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The best Skin Secrets 


Heals and prevent Acne


Healthy Glow


Reduces Puffy Eyes


Anti Ageing 


Shrinks the Pores


Pre-condition your face for primer 

Come Try it Out! 

QOOLMATE is not a medical device and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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